How professional sound engineering works: Michkael Sound, the solution to your sound problems


The problem 

I was tempted to say it’s almost impossible to have a successful event without good sound management. But I must correct myself before someone hears me say that. It is absolutely impossible to have a successful event without proper sound management especially concerts, and conferences. However, it doesn’t apply only here. Television and radio stations need proper sound engineering to carry out their work properly; musicians are not left out of this boat either. If the sound isn’t good, of course you will lose interest in the song. Even if the lyrics are incredible. You will rather use them on another beat. Again, that’s not all imagine a webinar with horrible sound engineering (I know the Cameroonian in you wants you to quit the webinar and blame poor network, lol!). Sometimes you don’t hear what the host is saying, and it’s not quite a thing, regulating the volume from your end. #complications.

It’s important I share my experience with you. I tried to produce my own podcast but guess what, if you listen to the once I did by myself, you will immediately know because the transition and sounds and mix is not proper for the job. I’m learning how to be better, trained by my tutor of whom I will tell you all about as you read on.

I also started a Youtube channel but I got the same complaints, “I’m sorry I can’t hear what you are saying”, “there is a lot of background noise”, “you need to regulate your sound” Now these are the anaysis that I got. Again, I’m still learning how to be better.

Despite the fact that I’m learning, the truth is, I’m not a sound engineer that explains the sound hazards.

Putting audio and video aside, I once organized an event called “Folere and KranKran Party” since it was a small hall. I did not think of sound at all. I mean, I’m audible right… No! bad idea!. It started raining and no one could hear a thing I was saying. The event was fun, but it could have been better.

Let’s go on to a movie I did. Now, I’m not a professional sound engineer so I have to take caution and hire someone to do the job. I did someone who worked at a friendly price, again, bad idea! The sound quality was horrible because the person was not a professional either. It was so bad; we had to cancel the project and embrace losses.

Bottom line is, from a receiver’s point of view, you can suffer bad sound quality at an event; a concert, conference, which ever.  Music may not sound right,  you could be watching tv or listening to the radio and just get upset because of the poor sound quality. Also, it is possible for you to produce whatever you want by yourself but the touch of a professional sound engineer is going to make it better. Remember your goal is to give out the best .

The Solution

To further enlighten you and assist you with your sound problem, I spoke to Michel Essomba. A professional Sound engineer and the founder of Michkael Sound who has agreed to extend his services to you wherever you may find yourself.

According to him, a sound engineering is sound management that is a person who manages sound during a stage performance, on radio, in a movie, or even a concert. In his own words,

« L’ingénierie de son c’est la gestion de son. Tout cout. Quand je dire gestion de son, ca veux dire quoi? Par exemple, la gestion de son l’or d’un spectacle, en radio, dans un filme, en music. C'est-à-dire lors que l’artiste veut enregistre un son en studio, ils sont aussi l’ingénier de son qui son la bas. L’or d’un concert, il y’a un ingénier de son peut être un concert en live, il ya un ingénier qui règle chaque instrument autant pour moi en fonction de son rôle, le volume, et les fréquences, C’est un peut ca qui construire l’ingénierie de son. »

That’s a brilliant definition. I know! #amazing.  I also agree with him when he says that in live we can’t do it all.  Almost as if talking directly to me- My! I sure need a professional for everything. Just like you and me need Michkael Sound. Wink! Plus, it is true when he speaks of getting proper training. A journalist or soldier can’t be a sound engineer except trained. He says,

 « Dans la vie on ne peut pas tous faire ou tous connaitre. »

«  Tous le monde ne peut pas se lever et venir faire le son. C’est a dire un journaliste, un militaire ne peut pas venir faire le son sans formation. »

In conclusion, to save yourself from the criticisms that are meant to make you grow but hurt sometimes, the embarrassment of poor sound quality or from losing much money, you need to hire a professional sound engineer.

That’s why I bring to you a company you can trust to grant you quality sound, MichKael Sound.

Watch here:

Michkael Sound is a sound company that launched her activities in July 2020.  Combining his love for music, sound and the job itself, the founder, Michel Essomba created this company to solve all your sound problems without any limitation.

The services offered by Michkael sound include: professional sound management and professional lighting; training (for sound engineers or if you just want to acquire the knowledge or learn a new skill) and the sales of woofers (made in Cameroon with standard quality).

With XAF25 million invested in the business, Michkael Sound has only received positive feedback since the first project which was a wedding on the 8th of August 2020.

You have the opportunity to enjoy the services offered by Michkael sound too. All you need to do is contact michkael sound at

Whatsapp: +237 671 158 823



Get the best and  make  the best out of  it.
