Is it sin or is it a mistake? what it does to you. It makes you feel like you are the worst being on earth. What’s done is done. You can’t take it back, you can’t change it. You can only live with it. In regret, in anguish, lost in thoughts blaming you for what happened.
Was it emotions, I was angry that I bet. did I do it though, yes I did. did I do it in anger, yes I did. did I know it was wrong, absolutely. did I want to hurt another person, you bet. I was I convicted not to do it, of course. did that stop me, not at all. I did it anyway, mission accomplished. did that change anything or make a difference, no it did not. Now I have to suffer for it.
Sometimes it goes away, I don’t think about it, at all. but other times, it comes back to me. it must be the trigger’s fault. Whether I hear, I see or I encounter similarities, it triggers and all comes back to me. Maybe I should open a hole and bury myself then I won’t have to feel it anymore. Maybe I shut myself up in a distant land, away from the entire world. then, no one will see me, it will be just me. alone and I won’t see anyone. but surely it won’t go away. I wish I could take it back, everything I said and did but I can’t. Now I have this feeling and it’s killing me. How could I have done such a thing and own it with my full chest? I am so ashamed of myself.
I can hear the whispers, just breathe and as you do remember who gave you breathing. He has forgiven you. He doesn’t hold it against you. turn to him and you will find rest. what a soft and comforting whisper. It is well.
Now I know better. I owe my emotions nothing. Understanding the outcome – what will happen to me when I sin, I won’t dare. But how I’m I supposed to be perfect, I’m human, full of mistakes, as much as I do wrong knowingly, sometimes I don’t realize that I hurt someone
Again, I am glad that I know better.
I can’t thank you enough Lord Jesus, words cannot describe my gratitude
Not everybody will like me. That I know for sure. Some people who like me will tend to hate me, which already happens. They will have a long list of my bad attitude, my bad behavior, my bad manners, and wickedness. Of course this can be daunting. But I know I can always remember, He will love me, He. will always do regardless of my short comings and I can always turn to him for comfort, for guidance, and even for protection. I know I have nothing to offer Him but do my best to live a life that’s pleasant in His sight, to live a godly life.
He said I must be sincere, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry, I truly am. For the embarrassment I caused you, the hurt I made you feel. I admit, I wanted that, I wanted to see you hurt, I wanted to make you cry and have the same feeling that I have. My emotions got the best of me. I’m sorry. I pray that the new me will never do such a thing. I pray that the new me will please God.
I pray that upon a gaze you will be Blessed and find it in your heart to forgive me. I forgive you too.
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